Carpe Diem - easier said than done for a self-professed procrastinator. But for the love of my life, I finally keyed my first sentence, then the second, and the third... as a recording of memories I'd want to remember, good or bad, a gift from Mommy to U - Dear Baby En

"From Baby En to Baby Kang, both my darlings, equally precious. May this journal keep u company, when Mummy can no longer be there......"

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Friday, 31 August 2007

Home-made Mixed Vegetable Fish Beancurd

This is a healthy, delicious and easy-to-make dish for busy mums, which both adults and kids will love (inspired by my 小婶). The amount suggested is good for 1 adult and 1 child to go with porridge. It can be shared among 3 - 4 pax if there are more dishes to go along. Items in * are what I'm using, you're free to experiment with other variants and quantity. Do drop me a note if u love the recipe :).

*Thread fin fillet (approx. 1 x 2.5 x 1.5 inch)
*Broccoli stalk (2 inch)
Carrot (1 inch)
Corn kernel (a handful)
Ginger (THIN slice, depending on how much u like the taste of ginger)
Egg tofu (1 roll)
Oyster Sauce (2-3 tsp)
Sesame Oil (a dash)
*Pickled Lettuce (4 - 5 slices with 2 tsp of sauce, optional for healthier version)

1. Put items 1-5 and 7 into blender and mince (add tofu later, otherwise the mixture might be too watery after blending).

2. Add tofu and pickled lettuce to finely minced mixture and blend to the smoothness u desire. Be careful not to overdo it.

3. Scoop final product out and transfer into bowl. Splash a dash of sesame oil on top of mixture.

4. Transfer into steamer and steam for 15 - 20 min.

TedaH! Ready to serve. Just mix with plain porridge and eat.

Thursday, 30 August 2007


当孩子跟我说:"Mummy, I want to sleep on your body."--那就是幸福。这是她每天睡前的小小要求,要妈妈抱着她,躺在妈妈的身上,即使是几分钟也开心。无论妈妈是冲了凉,香香的,或是煮完饭,全身油烟味,她还是喜欢把脸埋在妈妈怀里,深深地闻妈妈的味道。虽然有时心里会埋怨(毕竟是十几公斤的担子躺在身上,有时她的头又转来转去,弄得我满痛的,长头发又老爱在我脸上飞来飞去),可是当静下来时,那种感觉真的很窝心,很幸福。因为她是真真正正地期盼妈妈的拥抱,即使是枕边人,很多时候也只不过是例常公式。当妈妈把她移到毯子上时,她会要妈妈hug她,直到她入眠。这是我们的private time,谁都不能取代妈妈的位置。

Monday, 27 August 2007








Wednesday, 22 August 2007


几天前刚跟一位多年老友通过电话,那种感觉很好。虽然话题不是很开心的,但至少那种知道有人与你分担的体会,的确让人feel good。

朋友 - 若干年前,这“词汇”对我的意义并不重要。朋友的地位总是排在.....x,y,z。一直到上天赏了我重重的一巴掌,才让我意思到,人生不可能只围绕在一个“他”身上,亲人与朋友何其重要啊!

Thank God! I'm glad I learnt from my mistake!

人应该从错误中学习。日子久了,菱角磨平了,胸怀也慢慢变得较开阔,学会了欣赏别人的优点,学会了怎样原谅,学会了将心比心,学会了别去比较,学会了let go,更学会了珍惜。

I was given a Second chance, thus I intend to keep my worthy friends for life.

Sunday, 12 August 2007


“...她一个人在街上漫无目的地走,她说:‘他在家,可是没有来找我。’她要的是她的男人的关心关怀关注。偏偏‘我要去死了,你却不理我’。...” - 安娜的这篇《人也。女也》唤醒了我尘封的记忆......



不一样的男人,一样的结果。“男人,有时候你们的铁石心肠,只用在工作的公正上,好吗?”- 一语道尽了女人的辛酸。因为男人的狠心,其实就只留给默默在身边陪着他的女人。在朋友的眼中,他肝胆相照,会为他们两肋插刀。在同事眼里,他有责任心,也是明理的上司。对于父母,他二十四孝。对于兄弟,他永不说“不”。








Friday, 10 August 2007


鬼灵精 - 这就是对我家小孩最贴切的称呼。“惊喜”是家常便饭,“破坏”成了理所当然。

3。哇!“纹身”也该“纹”好一点嘛!怎么来个Ah Beng妆?简直是体无完肤。
6。Elmo的眼睛很可爱,POP! Elmo的眼睛掉出来了。


Potty Training - Final Installment

4 months after we last embarked on this journey to diaper-freedom, I can finally say that my Dear Baby En, you are truly ready, and your progress is spectacular!!

Today, my Dear Baby, you actually woke up from your nap to tell me that you needed to pee. That's as good as telling Mummy, "Mummy, Baby is a big girl now. You can sleep more peacefully."

Though, you'd been accident-free for the past 2 months or so, and we no longer put the mat that made you sweaty and hot underneath when you went to bed, even at night, it was this moment, no it wasn't because we limited your fluid intact, no it wasn't because we woke u up in the middle of the night (did you notice Mummy hadn't been waking you up for more than a month??), it was because En En was aware of your own bladder activities!

My little Baby, you are great!

Tuesday, 7 August 2007


"There is a place I want to be,
away from it all
Just me - alone.
Where would it be?
Where could it be?
Never in this world
can it be found.
For I searched,
for I longed,
and then it came,
The Peace and Tranquility
from Within......"

~29 July, 3pm - Sentosa Siloso Beach Resort
Checked in at the Reception. It was small, unlike the regular Hotel Lobby that you'll expect. Nonetheless, the whole concept was rather unique. It was housed in an individual building, sort of like a modern log house.

Got our keys and proceeded to our room - Roof-top Jacuzzi Suite. Along the way, we walked past some trees which had been left intact during the hotel's construction, fused into the resort's decor. Made the area felt like a huge tree house.

Best part of it was of cos the suite. It wasn't really big, but it was nonetheless inviting. Especially, the Jacuzzi area. Going up a flight of steps, you'd reach your own private garden with loungers and jacuzzi filled with warm water. Top it off, there's the sea view.

Great place for honey-mooners and couples, though it served us well, with our little gal, as she enjoyed herself in the jacuzzi.

Thought it could do more to our relationship. However, didn't do much. Guess if you go in a loving mood, things will just flow. Not the other way round......