强悍弱女子 曾晴
Carpe Diem - easier said than done for a self-professed procrastinator. But for the love of my life, I finally keyed my first sentence, then the second, and the third... as a recording of memories I'd want to remember, good or bad, a gift from Mommy to U - Dear Baby En
Posted by babyvinz at 09:01 0 comments
Posted by babyvinz at 17:01 1 comments
Labels: Utah
Was doing my "business" in the toilet early morning around 7 plus, getting ready to chit-chat with my family on Skype, when I suddenly felt my POTTY trembling. Yes! Lasted for like maybe 10-20 secs. Well, must be very strong wind, since it's common to feel the windows tremble due to the wind, as the housing here are not structured exactly like back home. The walls, flooring etc are thinner. So nothing strange.
Till K called in the afternoon n told me there was an earthquake. Oh, so that was why my blissful "business" session was interrupted. Apparently, according to the news, it was a 6.0 strength quake, centered in Northern Nevada, just beside Utah (Nevada is where Las Vegas is). Some worse-hit regions experienced buildings tumbling or damaged walls etc. Luckily it wasn't serious here.
Well, this was my 2nd earthquake. First one I experienced was back in 2005, while we were in Japan when K was also on training. Thought I was feeling a little giddy (happened when I was in the toilet too). Was only informed of the quake when K called again. Sigh.... think I have to UP my 危机意识.
Posted by babyvinz at 17:19 0 comments
Labels: Utah
几个星期前,我们的滑雪之旅终于成行了!我和小瓜参加了Parent n Tot 1-hr session。刚开始时,她真的很开心,Pizza, French fries, Pizza, French fries (导师Chris用这些术语来帮助她学习滑行和止步),当然还有更多的fall down,让她笑得咯咯叫。可是,时间一长,她开始不乐意了,因为她的滑雪手套太大,一直松脱。大概是冻着了,她开始哭泣。To make matters worse, I took the blunt again。算了,反正过去了,我们尝试滑雪了。可惜,风雪太大,我们太engross,结果没拍照。
农历新年期间更是活动多多。从年除夕开始,餐餐不是有人“赞助”,就是在外解决。年初二,更是精彩,因为K的公司举办庆祝活动,地点在Soldier Hollow,而活动项目包括了Snow Tubing!真的很好玩,不会过于刺激,小瓜更是玩得不亦乐乎!我们玩了四趟。
照片记录了IMFS的Team Games、恩恩坐tube和拉tube、我们上下坡、2002Winter Olympic Monument、Clubhouse、恩坐Snowmobile、全家福等。当然也别错过我们滑下坡的Video!
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
初三,我们去了Gardner Village。那是一个很有特色的地方。Village里的商店就如它的名字,像个小村庄,每间都散发出自己的味道,售卖的商品也别具一格。连鸟儿也特别喜欢此地,在冬季还对这儿恋恋不忘。恩买了新的芭蕾舞鞋和糖果,我也买了一盒五颜六色的向日葵瓜子。
回家途中,我拍下了以下照片。这不是唯一的一次,我们曾看过另一个message - Welcome home, James。
Valentine's Day我们是怎么过的呢?本来要去吃Jap Teppanyaki,结果太多人就随便选了一间餐厅,晚饭后便到Cold Stone Creamery吃雪糕。我叫了choc ice cream with Nestle Crunch Mix-in,K叫了vanilla with roasted coconut mix-in,口味很像我们的coconut ice cream。Yum Yum! Thanks Mum n Bee for sending the Kimono over!
刚过去的星期天,我们又去了Park City,因为有President's Day Sale(昨天),这次是我大出血,因为我要搜刮三个人的生日礼物。总算有收获。半小时前刚把一箱礼物寄回家,半小时后又得赶出去载恩恩。
Ok, last pic for now - En's drawing of Mummy (she drew 2)
Posted by babyvinz at 14:30 1 comments