Carpe Diem - easier said than done for a self-professed procrastinator. But for the love of my life, I finally keyed my first sentence, then the second, and the third... as a recording of memories I'd want to remember, good or bad, a gift from Mommy to U - Dear Baby En

"From Baby En to Baby Kang, both my darlings, equally precious. May this journal keep u company, when Mummy can no longer be there......"

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

I think I saw them....

...very faint, almost translucent thin strips on the lower gum - where the 2 lower central incisors should be when they sprout. This was the first time I spotted them, yesterday. Perhaps because they were not exactly on the upper most portion of the gum which is clearly visible, and the fact that he enjoys thrusting his tongue out when he opens his mouth. Nonetheless, with the drooling increasing, and his ever growing interest in putting whatever he can get his hand on into his mouth to bite (YiYi was a victim when he tried to chew her arm while she was having her dinner). As much as I await his first tooth to cut with anxiety, I'm sure I will miss the wide, toothless, charming smile that he is ever ready to share with me now. Bless be it that I am able to log this beautiful picture in my mind forever.

Many Chinese believe that teeth cutting causes diarrhoea. Coincidentally, Kang has been having the runs since last Wednesday. When I mentioned to my mum about his sprouting pearlies, she immediately drew the connection between the 2 events (not surprising huh). Well, I guess there must be some form of "scientific" explanation available. Let's put it this way - When babies are teething, the gum discomfort causes them to frequently pick things to bite and chew, including their own hands and feet. Thus, the chances of them catching virus and bugs increase, therefore we see more cases of diarrhoea happening around teething babies (With Kang, I guess it's worse cos he grabs at everything n anything all the time. Plus, he enjoys going around "seducing" strangers to play with him n carry him). Sounds logical right? So u see, the activity of teething does not cause diarrhoea in itself, it just raises the possibility of the baby's exposure to the virus (Doc Tan and her theory... haha). Anyway, this on-going episode has severely reduced whatever sleep that I can get to almost Zero (my poor Panda eyes). Looking on the bright side, things seem to be a little better these 2 days. Hopefully, this marks an impending end. On the side, the funny thing about this boy is that other than being more grouchy when the pain comes and excessive wakings n "bombings" (easily more than 10 changes of nappies per day), he's still generally happy, eats well and ever-s0-energetic (even with a super sore bottom)!! Count that a blessing.

I think I saw something else too - he seemed to "tell" me he wanted milk milk yesterday. While I was getting him ready to bathe yesterday morning, he just wasn't pleased (unusual) and was wailing even after I took off his clothing. Then, I saw it - his little fingers opening and closing like what I would show him at times when he's having his feed. Although suspicious, I tried offering my breast and WALAH, it worked!!! Perhaps another coincidence.........