This year, the Princess's birthday coincided with Good Friday. So, we decided to do away with celebrating in school and just have our own little family fun. However, Ah gong mentioned that they would be doing their tomb-sweeping on that day (but ah ma ordered us to stay away as she felt it would be too smoky for the kids), and the grand uncles and aunties would like to hold a little celebration for her after that. Thus, she had double FUN!
In the morning, we went to the zoo again. This time round the weather was great, simply perfect for our objective - to let her have a go at the Rainforest Kidz Water Play Area. Therefore, our route was planned along that line and we made a couple of stops at the cheetah enclosure, polar bear cove, giraffe holding... before we finally saw IT!
While Sister changed and got ready for her Splashing moments, Mummy had to feed Brother (which was convenient, as there were nursing facilities right there). This was by far the best Water Play Area that I'd encountered, much bigger and varied than the one at Science Centre. She went on the playground, down the slides, through the tunnels, between the fountains, under the showers, on the wet ground.... She was truly entertained and enjoying herself. The best part was, she showered herself so Mummy did not have to get wet :).
Everyone was tired, especially the baby. So we went home for a rest after our lunch at KFC.
Afternoon arrived, we made our way to Taigong's house. This was probably going to be the final gathering there, as it was recently sold (time flies, my dear grandpa had passed on for more than 2 years). We were late as due to brother's nap (really, really apologetic for making everyone wait). Brother had some fun with his little cousin, N, who was a month older. Sister was totally pleased with all the presents and Ang Bao she received. But she was most delighted as she got to play with her favourite cousin, C and his sister C (double Cs haha). They are a year apart from each other, with Sister being the middle one.
All in all, Sister had a great day. However, she mentioned she will want a celebration in school again for her 6th birthday. Sigh... more work for Mummy...