Carpe Diem - easier said than done for a self-professed procrastinator. But for the love of my life, I finally keyed my first sentence, then the second, and the third... as a recording of memories I'd want to remember, good or bad, a gift from Mommy to U - Dear Baby En

"From Baby En to Baby Kang, both my darlings, equally precious. May this journal keep u company, when Mummy can no longer be there......"

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Potty Training for No.2

Oh ya, it's the moment again...... but a wee tad early I guess.

My dear lil' Mr Cheeky usually signals when he is going for the big business (well, most of the time). Recently, he pointed me to the potty a couple of times in the mornings, for which he just pee-ed only. So I thought, could he be ready (though experience with the Princess taught me it was too early)? Anyway, you never know unless you try......

Here goes......

Yesterday, on the 黄道吉日 that I chose to mark this important milestone, I dug out the training pants that were his sis', told him how nice n pretty the bear appliques were. In order not to wet them, he had to let me know when he felt like peeing. Well, within the hr, both pairs, including his top was sitting in the basin, waiting to be washed.

Then I decided to put him back on diaper for his afternoon nap, as I was almost certain he would definitely wet his sarong. True enough, his diaper was quite wet after he woke. Nonetheless, I decided to give him another chance (success = saving $$$$!!!). On went his yellow Brightbot. So off he went, putting on Jiejie's dress, and then, Gong Gong said, "他的裙子湿了". That was the last training pants we had......

And so, till 3 mths later......

My Poor Hands.........

[Btw, following En's performance at United Sq, I didn't manage to catch a better video on the day of recital which was on 5 Dec, as there were more kids, and we were seated further away. This recital was different from the one staged by Utah Dance Artistes 2 years ago, as all classes involved performed to one single plot (The Little Mermaid), while the previous one followed a common theme but with individual titles. It was no doubt an entertaining night, as they managed to introduce different dance genres (ballet, hip hop, modern dance etc) into one storyline. A job well-done.]

Saturday, 4 December 2010


In 2 mths, he has progressed a great deal both emotionally and in his cognitive abilities.

He used to ignore me when I asked him for kisses, sayang etc and carried on with whatever he wanted to do or was doing even when I scolded him. These days, he kissed most of the time when requested (many times on his own initiative too :)), "choops" both his parents to sleep with him (I sleep with En, while Daddy sleeps with him after he stopped breast-feeding. But now, he always get me to sleep with him and I can only move back on the bed after he dozes off), gets jealous when we carry his cousin or show more attention to jie jie, pretends to cry or pouts when he gets scolded and wants me to carry him (just like jie jie).

And he is super-skilled at playing with the i-gadgets, Angry Bird being his favourite game. He goes "Bir Bir" when he wants to play with the game. This boy is stuck to the goggle box and he typically switches off when he is watching the programme. Sometimes, he made strange request to turn on both TV in the living room, even when he is only watching one. And he has a knack for all things BALL (anything round is a ball), even programme with balls in them, sports session in the newspaper etc. At one point, he was super attracted to the theme song of the auntie show "爱", that whenever it played on the TV, he stopped all things he was doing and climbed immediately onto the sofa to watch. This worked out to be an advantage to us, as when he refused to eat his meal, we just had to wait till the song started playing and fed him everything (or almost) within that 2 mins or so. Ya, no joke. He can finish his meal within such a short time, as his attention was so caught up he simply opened his mouth and ate whatever that was shoved. However, he has grown "smarter" now and this doesn't work anymore......

My little charmer... u are so, so cute.