20 mths - Blabber, Blabber, Blabber
These days, the little Prince has grown to enjoy books. It used to be, when I was reading to sister, he would insist on taking the book and just flipping or attempting his other antics on it, anything but reading. Now, he actually brings books to me to read to him, not just once but repetitively each time. Of course, he has his favourites - seems he likes Sesame Street characters most, as his 2 most frequently picked choices suggest.
He has also decided that he wants to be "better understood". It used to be, he was pretty much contented with spouting words that related to things that interested him like nene, ball, bir (bird), papa, mama , jiejie etc. However, he has gotten smarter. Saying "share" gets people to give him food and toys, "拿" when he wants to have his bowl and spoon to feed himself, when prompted he also asks people to "给", "谢谢" and more. Recently, his journey of exploring with the spoken language has exploded further. When we read to him, he will usually copy the last word of each sentence. "Ha" (house), "bah" (bug), "ah" (up), "dow" (down)....... and he knows what usually follows when people says certain words, for e.g. when jiejie said, "Ready...", he'd follow up with, "Go!" The cutest thing is, he has always been a very expressive boy, so when he speaks, it's also filled with different pitches and intonation, making it a joyful sight when you see him go.
This little rascal has grown and progressed so much, Mummy is having a tough time catching up (literally!). Luckily, he is always better behaved when he is alone with me (he knows Mummy is no push-over. Smart!). However, when there's someone around, even his jiejie, the house turns upside down, as one is a super loud-mouth, while the other Mr Destructive. When they play together, it's "BANG"!!!
As age catches up with me, sometimes I really wonder, will I be able to manage in the months to come??