Carpe Diem - easier said than done for a self-professed procrastinator. But for the love of my life, I finally keyed my first sentence, then the second, and the third... as a recording of memories I'd want to remember, good or bad, a gift from Mommy to U - Dear Baby En

"From Baby En to Baby Kang, both my darlings, equally precious. May this journal keep u company, when Mummy can no longer be there......"

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Friday, 29 June 2007







Thursday, 28 June 2007

Elmo's Colouring Book

Baby En loves Elmo. She has 2 Elmo toys at home and would ask to watch her Elmo VCD daily. Thus, we decided to bring her to watch the "live" show, Elmo's Colouring Book when I found out that it'd be playing at Downtown East.

I'd already expected that there'll be a booth selling Elmo's product there. So, the initial intention was to bring her Elmo toy along. Gosh! We forgot! That meant an extra $12.90 for her Elmo balloon (BTW, by now, the helium gas has more or less decided to float elsewhere. I'm forecasting that it'll be fully deflated in another week's time).

For the first half of the show, we simply couldn't excite her. She just sat there like a block of wood. Hmmmm, very unlike her usual self. What went wrong??? With Elmo and friends from Sesame Street singing and dancing away!! Finally, we pulled through till intermission.

Then, we went to buy some snacks as it had past her tea break. Hah!!! We found the answer! No energy lah!

For the entire 2nd half, she was back to her bubbly self, dancing away with the characters and asking Daddy to bring her to the front when the puppets came down from the stage. Boy, I guess Daddy must be thinking we should just starve her! Haha.

Now, she has been asking us to bring her to the Elmo show quite often. Baby, we'll go again when the show returns......

Monday, 25 June 2007

For The Safety of My Child

The safety of one's child is of utmost importance to a mother.

However, many people do not think likewise. Does the inconvenience of using your own vehicle surpasses that of a child's safety? Or even just taking the public transportation? For many, the answer is "Yes". It greatly saddens me to think that these people can be your nearest of kins, those that professes they love your baby - grandparents, uncles/aunts and even daddies!

Minor incidences don't seem to be able to knock senses into them, nor the true tragedies that we so often hear about. Is it that Singaporeans generally have a false sense of security? Or can it be simply because it's not their children? Are we waiting for something tragic to happen before we awaken from our stupidity??? By then, I'm afraid it's too late. Not every lesson needs to be learnt through self experiencing it.

As a mother, I feel a strong sense of failure when I'm unable to safeguard my child's welfare - in this case, we're talking about something as precious as a young life, when nobody seems to understand and I'm fighting a lonely battle. The next time, I promise, no matter how ugly the scene might become, I'll take a cab myself, under the uncompromisable condition that my baby gets strapped in her car seat for the entire journey.

I'm hoping with all my heart that someone or organisation out there can start a nationwide campaign to educate all on the importance of using the car seat.

Strapping your child in the car seat isn't just a Traffic Police's propaganda.
It concerns the life and death of your child!
~desperate Mommy

Friday, 22 June 2007

Ballet - 4th lesson

Unmistakably, the teacher requested for the parents to leave the class (See! I wasn't hard of hearing!). This time round, most of them did leave. So, I started to move.... THEN, teacher said, "No, no! You're SPECIAL! You cannot go, as she was scared last week."

Ha! So I stayed behind with 2 other parents (who persisted on being around after teacher's request). Hmmmm, should be fine today, since Mummy's with her.

Unfortunately, one of the girls wanted to visit the loo and her mum wasn't around. Thus, I volunteered to bring her there, as it's not easy to remove the dance apparel on her own (since no one else signaled they wanted to help). I explained to Baby En that Mummy will be back soon and leave.

When I returned, first thing I heard was, "She can't last a moment without Mum". Sigh......

To help or not to help????

Monday, 18 June 2007







Thursday, 14 June 2007








知道自己有时真的很不应该,由于脾气不太好,对妈妈表现得很不耐烦,说话的口气经常不太礼貌。事后想想,那些对你不好的人,你反而会尝试忍气吞声,为自己付出那么多的妈妈,为什么这样去伤她的心?真的很take things for-granted.


Wednesday, 13 June 2007

The Road to Independence

"En, En want to feed own self", "En, En take. En, En take...", "En, En brush. Don't want Daddy brush" yak ka yak, yak ka yak......

Guess she's exerting her independence now, my Baby who used to rely on Mommy for everything. But......
"Teacher said that Mommy cannot stay with you in the class. So you have to behave yourself and follow what the teacher does, ok?" This conversation had been going on for the past week, prior to her 3rd Ballet lesson. All seems well, as she kept repeating the content herself.

On the actual day, after Teacher issued the invitation for parents to go, I repeated the request to Baby En and she was fine. So, I decided to make a move, stealing peeks at her on the way out to see that she's comfortable with me leaving. Though, it was kind of surprising that none of the parents who were in the room left (many of the kids were much older, about 5 - 6 yr old). Nonetheless, I left with the intention of coming back in half hr to give a check.

I was sitting in MacDonald's just beside the Dance Studio, when I saw a familiar image - My Baby En crying in the arms of another parent. On no! The kind lady told me that she had been clinging on to the teacher and crying. I consoled her, brought her back to class and reassured her that Mommy will not leave again. By then, the experience must have been too traumatic for her as she kept asking to go home, saying that she didn't want to dance anymore and she didn't like the teacher (Erm, I think part of the reason was because she saw my orange juice and fries. The Greedy Pig!). After some coaxing, she joined the class again and got relaxed enough to join in some of the activities.

After class, we went to apologise to the teacher for disrupting the class. Then she said, "She's too young to be left alone in class, though she was brave for a while :)." That got me scratching my head. Were you not the one who requested for parents to leave, or had I somehow misunderstood your message? Geez, anyway Baby, Mommy will be with you for the rest of the lessons. Muuuuuuaaaccchhhh!
8 days away from school. Oh boy, that's a long period (after the long weekend followed by another 4 days of stomach flu and fever)!

Baby En seemed all ready and happy to go back to her friends. She was quick to go with the teacher and waved bye bye to Mommy. Teacher commended her for being able to adjust really well, unlike her fellow classmate, who would cry everyday when her mommy brought her in after the long weekend break.

At the end of the day when I picked her up, she did have a great time.

I guess what accounted for the difference in behaviour was the TRUST that she had for the people whom she was being entrusted to. Baby En had been with the childcare centre for 6 mths. She had settled in comfortably by now and had developed a trusting relationship with her teachers and peers. Whereas, Ballet Class is still a "strange" place to her.

Mommy will be more sensitive to your emotional needs, dear Baby.

Friday, 8 June 2007







Dedicated to Baby Kaleb - Pass it on

The video attached speaks the sad story of a baby boy who's but 6 mths old.

Whether you are parents to young children, child-minders or just anybody concern about child abuse, do take some time to view it and pass it on.

Sometimes we do things in a fit of anger, please bear in mind that the consequences can be severe and irreparable.

Pray for baby Kaleb.

Add to My Profile More Videos

This is definitely not the 1st case. Let's try to make it the last.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

I Love my "Job"

On and off, I get the feeling of frustrations from taking care of Baby En. For SAHM, it's like a 24/7 job. And when I get the occasional "off", it's actual work-time. So, there isn't much of private time to speak about.

Sometimes, you feel like you'll like to laze around and watch the 8.30pm programme on TV but it's her bedtime. As always, Mummy is the one who has to put her to bed. Well, if she guai guai goes to bed, then it's not too bad. However, when she's up to some mischief again, you really have to fight the urge to "strangle" her.

Just like any other job, you get your good days and bad days. It can be a breeze if she behaves well (that's when you know the tonnes of effort you put in at instilling discipline is working). And just when you're happily praising yourself at the results, the little monster decides to unleash itself and wreak havoc (perhaps after a day away from the "clutches" of Tyrant Mummy). That's when it really gets on your nerves, for what took you months to inculcate, comes to nought overnight and the cycle repeats itself. Sigh......

Putting aside the frustrations, being a full-time Mummy is the most rewarding career that I'd have so far. It has taught me to be much more patient and it's a job I can never, ever quit. Hey, that requires quite an amount of determination and perseverance ok!

Come on, look at it this way. Some mummies will be so green with envy that I can have my baby by my side, smelling her sweetness and busking in her kisses every night (not to mention listening to her saying "I love Mummy" over and over). When she wakes up occasionally at night now (ya, I know it's a disruption to your PRECIOUS sleep-time), the first person she calls out for is Mummy. It goes to show Mummy is a really important person to her (Ha, I hear someone saying losing sleep is nothing worth raving about. Sour grapes!). Moreover, soon enough, you'll find that she might not want you with her in her bed anymore. Thus, it's definitely worth treasuring it when she still loves your company.

Motherhood is GREAT!!!! (Only downside is $$$$$$ not enough)

Tuesday, 5 June 2007


Only recently do I discover that writing is one of my passion. Not that it didn't occur to me before but rather there wasn't any motivation for me to write.

I'm not the sort of writer who's able to profess my thoughts through flowery languages, or one that has an abundance of imagination. Writing is but one avenue for me to vent my frustration, air my thoughts and to record down memories of Baby En's growing up days.

Prior to starting my own blog, I had this habit of picking up any scrap pieces of papers to scribble on whenever my emotions got triggered big time and I have no where to vent them. These writings usually got missing/ disposed etc. after the incidents. But the bad feeling lingered, for I felt I was the only one bearing all these, with no one to turn to. Now, with my own blog, somehow it feels better, for somewhere out there, be it someone I know or just any strangers who chanced upon my pages, at least there's someone "listening". Quirky you may think. "Why does anyone want to 'air their dirty linen in public'? "some may ask. To me, it's like having someone there to share your problems with, without having to force it upon them to listen if they don't want to (like if I were to call up people).

Strangely, I slowly develop feelings of self-worthiness, knowing what I'm writing does touches others' life in one way or another. By chance, it has also created opportunities for me, for e.g. being selected as one of the Mommy Bloggers for Channel 8's programme - Superkids. I finally have some budget whereby I can dispose freely for the enrichment of Baby En (Do visit to find out more.).

It has also opened my eyes to other non-conventional ways of earning some extra cash, with whatever spare time that I can afford, right from home, like contributing articles to some website. So far, I had 4 original articles posted on (, mainly on issues which I'm interested in. Feel free to drop by and have a look:-

1. My personal take on marital life -

2. Tips on Potty Training -

3. Crocheting Tips (this is the article that's currently earning me $$$) -

4. Motherhood -

I'm hoping this new-found passion can really take me somewhere. Keeping my fingers crossed......

Sunday, 3 June 2007


As promised, here are the pics for Baby En's ballet apparel......

...and here's Baby En parading her dance gear!

Of cos, we got to see her in action, right?!



结果,我都没质问你孩子为什么会病倒,你又来同样一套“先发制人”,说什么因为我每天给孩子吃猪肉和虾,导致孩子发热。Come on!她整个星期没吃几次猪肉,因为正好这个星期我买的是鸡肉!而且孩子一星期最多也只吃两、三天的虾。跟你讲简直就是对牛弹琴嘛!你还不是自顾自地说不能吃太多虾,要吃多点鱼......喂!她可是每天都吃鱼的啊!孩子两年来都是我喂养的,怎么突然间对我处理的饮食得了“过敏症”?!



M.C. 打电话来找Boy Boy,应该是要谈隔天载他去机场的事吧。突然间,怎么谈论的话题变得好熟悉?又是有人在那里“恐兵”了。没完没了,每隔一段日子总要重来一次,一样的话题,一样的牢骚,毫无新意,却总是能破坏我家的和谐与宁静。

出人意表的,这次的结局出现了转折--Boy Boy的态度与立场全然改变。他理直气壮地回答他已尽本分,能做的都做了,甚至承认自己在安排上,已经是表现得较偏向自己家人。


Boy Boy,谢谢你!



你们家的运作方式的确与我成长的模式有着天渊之别。对不起,我真的无法“拥抱”这种模式。它违背了我处事的原则,更与我的逻辑背道而驰。我只能做到一个“忍”。不是因为我怕,只因为他们都是Boy Boy的家人。



So,don't be so quick to say "I'll never......" or pass judgement on someone else's actions
-- “

Friday, 1 June 2007

First Time Filming

(Pictures courtesy of Charlene Chong)
So CLICHE! That was my first impression when I learnt we had to do some shots for Mommy Bloggers' trailer, and I still feel so after doing it ;-p. Me, acting?? Can't imagine!

It probably was more of a challenge for Terris and crew. Imagine having to deal with not one but TWO, not so camera "sensitive" cast or should I say 不懂得配合(they probably managed easier with Peilan and kids).


"Baby, Elmo's mouth is smelly, spray Elmo", "Spray Elmo's backside", "Where's Elmo's belly button"......

"Ok, kiss Mummy", "Kiss longer", "Don't look at the TV"......

PHEW! Finally finished! Kind of apprehensive to see the final result. 一定很好笑!!
