Carpe Diem - easier said than done for a self-professed procrastinator. But for the love of my life, I finally keyed my first sentence, then the second, and the third... as a recording of memories I'd want to remember, good or bad, a gift from Mommy to U - Dear Baby En

"From Baby En to Baby Kang, both my darlings, equally precious. May this journal keep u company, when Mummy can no longer be there......"

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008


临晨两点多就起床,K也已与周公说bye bye。再也无法入眠(that's me, insomnia type ;p),一直到了3.25am左右,便起来梳洗。小瓜也被我的抚摸弄醒,于是便决定带她一同送爸爸上飞机。


K的眼睛开始发红,接着泪水不由自主地落下。他之前一直取笑我,说登机时不要哭,也不太愿意让我送他到机场,所以我决定不哭的,他却先“投降”,害得我也掉了眼泪。虽然只不过是短短的3个多星期,但自我们在一起之后,也从没分开那么久,特别是有了家庭之后,这么说来,这3个星期还算是漫长的......he won't be around for my birthday, he won't be around for X'mas......


KJE, BKE, PIE - 3个人的路程,PIE, BKE, KJE - 两颗心的期待。

1 comment:

tjmummy said...

awww... this is so touching. i understand what you mean!