15 Mar
Is this a place about ancient civilisation? Ape men?
Did anyone guess dinosaurs? U're RIGHT! En's pre-school's theme for the month was about dino so we decided to bring her for the 'actual' thing (the bones r better than nothing right), though I think they had moved on to sea creatures already ;p.
The Museum of Ancient Life is located at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, where there's also a show barn (farm), garden (which will be scheduled for re-opening this weekend), theatre and shopping place (went to the theatre following Mon with Anna and kids to watch "Dr Suess's Horton hears a Who". A pity we couldn't stay while Anna n her kids went to the farm, cos En had a long day, as she had ballet in the morning, so she needed her afternoon nap).
Entrance for children under 3 is free, so we paid for 2 adult combo tickets, which included a 3D show. Well, En was a little taken-back cos the dino looked really near. So we taught her to tickle them when they came too near. Ha ha!
Little Marcus, En's first friend in Utah was there too and we met 2 new friends - Faith n baby Enqi. A pity they came later, so we had little time together.

Pics in order from left to right : Entrance, Lobby, Fish fossil prep, Tiny En, Dino on log, Don't feed me to the shark, Fossil of ancient sea creature, Not so tall daddy, Dino torso, Walkway, En refusing to step into sand pit (she wanted to play at another location with sand n water too. However, the moment she put on the apron (with sand particles on it), she said she didn't want to play anymore)
En walking on 4s during Gym (b4 we went to the museum)
K working on the fossil prep