Carpe Diem - easier said than done for a self-professed procrastinator. But for the love of my life, I finally keyed my first sentence, then the second, and the third... as a recording of memories I'd want to remember, good or bad, a gift from Mommy to U - Dear Baby En

"From Baby En to Baby Kang, both my darlings, equally precious. May this journal keep u company, when Mummy can no longer be there......"

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Saturday, 29 March 2008

My lovely......

I must be CRAZY! Blogging about ENG CAI (KANG KONG lah)!!!

Months ago when I first arrived in Utah, Anna told me she was able to find Kang Kong in one of the Chinese Mart at SLC. But I looked up, down, left, right....... waited and pined. No Eng Cai.... sob sob.. my favourite veggie...

Then ENG CAI! My ENG CAI! Finally I saw it at Super China today! Luckily I went to the veggie department and scan around as usual, wishing it might just appear, and it did! The season is in. Yeah! Now I don't have to eat Gailan n broccoli week after week. Though it wasn't that economical. A bunch (well, quite a huge bunch) cost ard US$6. Who cares! It's my lovely ENG CAI!

Friday, 28 March 2008


En slept on her own last night, the 2nd time. I was trying to copy pictures into our digital photo frame, so that we can bring it for her Spotlight session next Tues (for her birthday) during pre-school. So I convinced her to sleep alone as she knew I was doing something for her. Y not sleep with Daddy?

About 2 weeks ago (16 Mar), I was trying to copy some VCDs for her, as we had to return them the next day. So she agreed to sleep without me. Daddy went with her, then she started protesting saying she didn't want to sleep with Daddy. Thus, she was left to sleep alone with her Tang Poems book beside her. Well, Daddy did sneak a peek at her and it took her quite a while before she finally slept. But she did, alone. That was quite an achievement. 1st time sleeping on her alone.

Now, I'm sure she can do it. Most of the time, she just wants to have Mummy around.

Thursday, 27 March 2008



新加坡人不快乐。为什么?为何生在第三世界国家的子民可以得到幸 福,可以开开心心过日子,丰衣足食的新加坡人,过着安逸的日子,人手一机(即使几岁大的孩子,都有手机,管他会不会用,需不需要),去到哪儿都有车代步 (巴士、地铁、德士也是啊!),我们却能高举双手,对全世界的人说:



偶 尔,难免被他人的情绪影响,或周遭的人、事、物感染,觉得很难快乐起来。但这也不足为过,毕竟,人生本就该有喜、怒、哀、乐、酸、田、苦、辣,才够色香 味俱全嘛!重要的是,在不如意时,该如何应对。是让不满情绪不断累积,怨天尤人,理直气壮地认定全世界都欠你的,还是当冷静下来时,自我反省,到底自己 能做些什么,能改变些什么?生命掌控在我们手里,幸福与否在于我们如何调整自己的心态。


Museum of Ancient Life

15 Mar

Is this a place about ancient civilisation? Ape men?

Did anyone guess dinosaurs? U're RIGHT! En's pre-school's theme for the month was about dino so we decided to bring her for the 'actual' thing (the bones r better than nothing right), though I think they had moved on to sea creatures already ;p.

The Museum of Ancient Life is located at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, where there's also a show barn (farm), garden (which will be scheduled for re-opening this weekend), theatre and shopping place (went to the theatre following Mon with Anna and kids to watch "Dr Suess's Horton hears a Who". A pity we couldn't stay while Anna n her kids went to the farm, cos En had a long day, as she had ballet in the morning, so she needed her afternoon nap).

Entrance for children under 3 is free, so we paid for 2 adult combo tickets, which included a 3D show. Well, En was a little taken-back cos the dino looked really near. So we taught her to tickle them when they came too near. Ha ha!

Little Marcus, En's first friend in Utah was there too and we met 2 new friends - Faith n baby Enqi. A pity they came later, so we had little time together.

Pics in order from left to right : Entrance, Lobby, Fish fossil prep, Tiny En, Dino on log, Don't feed me to the shark, Fossil of ancient sea creature, Not so tall daddy, Dino torso, Walkway, En refusing to step into sand pit (she wanted to play at another location with sand n water too. However, the moment she put on the apron (with sand particles on it), she said she didn't want to play anymore)

En walking on 4s during Gym (b4 we went to the museum)

K working on the fossil prep


Is it important? Obviously, some doesn't think so. Guess many of u experience spam emails, some claiming to be sent from reputable organisations that u'd won prizes etc. I had my fair share. Recently, I received one claiming to be sent from one of my email service provider, so I forwarded it to them to alert them that there's a possibility that someone out there is using their name for fraudulent purposes.

The reply I got was that it wasn't sent from their ISP so they couldn't do anything about it. Then they listed some tools which I may use to track down this conman.

This was what I told them:


Thanks for your reply. I have no intention to track the sender, after all I'm just concern that this is an email sent with the intention to con people using XXXXX's identity. It'll be great if your organisation takes action against such fraudulent activities, since it's the reputation of XXXXX which is at stack.

If XXXXX can't do anything to protect it's name, guess there's nothing I can do too.

Best Regards,

Loi Yi"

Aftermath: I just received a reply, from another staff, with EXACTLY the same message sent to me previously. Guess they r not too concern whatever was delivered to them. Just sent back a standard template. Goes to show one thing, they must have received plenty of similar alert. Yet......

If they have to......

Couple of days back, I sent an email to the USPS enquiring about delivery notices being dropped at mailboxes without attempting to deliver items to recipients, as all my parcels, whether big or small had to be self-collected and some other families faced the same issue.

Early morning, I received a phone call from them. Guess what? "We do not send the parcels up to the apartments. If we have to do that, it'll take them the whole day to do their delivery." How does this reply sound?

Oh, yah, perhaps we have lifts back home, so it's less time consuming and tiring for our postmen. Or what about those 4-storey flats with no lifts? Hmmm, perhaps Singpost can also excuse their postmen from delivering there.

Ok, ok, I know we should just 入乡随俗 but it's just the way the message was being put across.

I'd met many kind souls here, those who will come up to you to point u to the nearest clinic, those who'll bring their dogs to let ur kid pat them, older kids who'll take care of the young ones n many more. Guess I shouldn't let the small nos that, perhaps had woken up on the wrong side of the bed irks me.

Spring with a BANG

Yes, it's officially spring today and what better way to welcome it than SNOW!

Ha ha, that's just how the weather is over here. We had 3 days of warm weather, so warm I could go out for my walk in t-shirt and felt some perspiration coming. Then, BHAM! Temperature falls some 20 deg Fahrenheit. Still consider good weather though. The snow is light, so I guess it'll melt real soon.....

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Daylight ROBBERY

I received my final bill (certainly hope so) from the hospital. The figure was STUNNING - >US$3500 (after discount)!!! For a 5 hr stay in hospital. This is for what? A laxative, blood test, urine test, chemical test (????), stay in ER and a CT-scan ($3K!). At the end of the day, they did not dare to make a diagnosis (citing inflammation of intestines, with no diagnosis), and prescribed me with a narcotic-based pain killer n NOTHING else. Then sent me for colonoscopy at another facility in SLC that set me back by another >$300 (after 50% discount for upfront payment). After they woke me from my drugged state, they quickly whisked me home in wheel chair without even explaining what could be the cause n preventive measures. Just concerned there wasn't anything cancerous. As I was referred to the ER by a GP, paid another >$100 (at 20% discount for upfront payment again).

The total cost - a whopping US$4k, and the possibility that I may have to fork out this kind of $$$ again as I do not know the root cause.

If that wasn't daylight robbery, tell me what was it???!!!!!!

Friday, 21 March 2008

21 May @5pm

Finally, the actual hunt! The moment we got out of the apartment, we could see many families already gathered at the playground. Yes, there were quite a number of Singaporean families there, some I'd met for the 1st time. Then, the Easter Bunny arrived! En was in the group of 1-5 yr olds. As the siren from the fire engine rang, all the kids (n adults too) rushed into the field, picking the goodies n placing them into their baskets. Though the event was short, it was a special experience.

Oh, our loot was little (but that's what mummy prefers ;))....


YEAH! It's Easter morning now!

Though it's not holiday here, we still have activities going on later in the evening - Monarch Meadow's
1ST Easter Egg Hunt! It's also our 1st Egg Hunt. Believe there'll be many Singaporean Mummies bringing their little ones, everyone with baskets going for the treasure hunt, Shirley with her 3 kids, Zhang Hong n her boy, Faith n Enqi with Mummy....

Look out for my updates!

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Daylight Saving


As of Sun 9 Mar, 2am, our time got FAST FORWARDED.

First tell-tale sign - 平时小鬼起床的时间大概是8点30分。今天“迟”了一小时。别看这只是小小的一小时,还是要调整,要adjustment的leh! 无缘无故lost an hour,还真是lugi......

As of now, we r 14 hrs behind Singapore time. Look out, we r catching up!

Saturday, 8 March 2008





Saturday, 1 March 2008



