Carpe Diem - easier said than done for a self-professed procrastinator. But for the love of my life, I finally keyed my first sentence, then the second, and the third... as a recording of memories I'd want to remember, good or bad, a gift from Mommy to U - Dear Baby En

"From Baby En to Baby Kang, both my darlings, equally precious. May this journal keep u company, when Mummy can no longer be there......"

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Thursday, 27 March 2008

If they have to......

Couple of days back, I sent an email to the USPS enquiring about delivery notices being dropped at mailboxes without attempting to deliver items to recipients, as all my parcels, whether big or small had to be self-collected and some other families faced the same issue.

Early morning, I received a phone call from them. Guess what? "We do not send the parcels up to the apartments. If we have to do that, it'll take them the whole day to do their delivery." How does this reply sound?

Oh, yah, perhaps we have lifts back home, so it's less time consuming and tiring for our postmen. Or what about those 4-storey flats with no lifts? Hmmm, perhaps Singpost can also excuse their postmen from delivering there.

Ok, ok, I know we should just 入乡随俗 but it's just the way the message was being put across.

I'd met many kind souls here, those who will come up to you to point u to the nearest clinic, those who'll bring their dogs to let ur kid pat them, older kids who'll take care of the young ones n many more. Guess I shouldn't let the small nos that, perhaps had woken up on the wrong side of the bed irks me.

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