Who's the New HERO???
Find out now.... There can only be 1!
Carpe Diem - easier said than done for a self-professed procrastinator. But for the love of my life, I finally keyed my first sentence, then the second, and the third... as a recording of memories I'd want to remember, good or bad, a gift from Mommy to U - Dear Baby En
Find out now.... There can only be 1!
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Labels: Fun-time, Miscellaneous
The Prince literally left me in a big puddle of SHIT today, after his 3rd "bombing" exercise in the morning. Romper, bed sheet, mattress protector and his chou chou (his bean pillow), all weren't spared from the attack.
"Best" part of it was when he started getting grouchy from waking up earlier than usual. So I popped him into his sarong before going around clearing the "site". U think that's the end?? With the little devil, of course not! He wasn't going down quietly, someone had to swing him. And it's Big Sister Princess to the rescue. She swung him amidst the wailing so Mummy could do her stuff, while she was watching her DVD -- no complaints. Not to mention I was halfway through tying her hair into nice little plaits when the "commotion" happened.
The Princess was exceptionally good today. She volunteered to bathe herself after breakfast and did a pretty good job. It's a pity my network has been giving me problems uploading pics and videos......
My little darling, you really brightens my day. It's the last day of school, go enjoy your class party and bid sweet good-byes to your friends and teachers. Next year will be another fresh beginning.
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Labels: Child development, Relationship
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As he grows and blossoms each day, he brings about new surprises. Together, we embark on our journey of discovery. Through it all, it is with his laughters, his smiles, that bring me tremendous happiness amidst the difficult times.
Here are some things you love to do now, my little one, and I love them too :)
You love to SCREAM - When u want attention, when u r displease, when u r happy....
You love to LAUGH - Especially when u see Jie Jie n Mommy laughing at u
You love to GRAB - Your hands, your feet, anything that u can reach, and shove them into your mouth
You love to EAT - Ya, anything n everything u can get ur plump little hands on, and staring at people eating
You love to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE - Seems it's getting harder to entertain u
You love the AIRCON - And hates the heat
You love KICKING - That includes scratching your little feet against each other n cutting them
You love to be KPO - Even when u're feeding
There are just too many things that interest u now but I hope u'll always be interested in me.
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Labels: Child development
It's been quite some time since I last blog about my little Princey, least talk about uploading his pictures. 2 more days n u'll be officially 4 mths old......
From the tiny little guy plagued by jaundice, frequently feeling tired n spending most part of ur days simply feeding n napping, suffering from colic n reflex thus wailing during almost every feed, wanting mummy n daddy to carry n rock u to sleep everytime and that BIG hernia on ur tummy...... it had been a TIRING yet truly FULFILLING time, especially having to struggle with another kid who needs equally much attention.
Today, the hernia is almost gone (merely a small stubble as compared to the 1 inch budge), u've gone from a tiny 3kg kitty to a respectable 7.7kg (as of last Fri). Although u're still pretty "gassy", it rarely bugs u. Much as I would like u to be able to sleep on ur own or through the night, u still need some help like swinging in sarong, breast feeding etc, however, I'm seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. For e.g., after u wake from a feed on the bed, sometimes u can go sooth urself to sleep again, though the frequent shaking of ur head against the bedding is probably going to cause some balding =P, u went to sleep this morning (n last evening) in ur rocker while I was making a rackets with the toys on them (Funny boy, with all the noise...).
Oh boy, some thing has not changed since Day 1 - u r one Greedy Pig. The Princess always needed to feed for at least 45min, even from the bottle. While u, my darling, needs just 5-10mins to finish ur meals most of the time. Good news is, u know when u're full and reject whatever attempts to feed u after that. But do u know that u can be really impatient during feeding? Nowadays, everytime b4 Mummy's milk let down, u'll be frustrated till the milk comes flowing fast. Baby, I'm not a TAP. Just look at u staring at others eating. U're not ready yet, at least not for another 2-3 mths. Look at u gulping down ur probiotics! I can't catch up with u with a spoon!
Ur plump little hands, they are OH SO CUTE! To think Mummy hid them behind tiny mittens for a full 3 mths, all bcos u scratched urself so badly with those razor-sharp nails and we were too scared to trim them, in case we snipped ur little fingers (Daddy was guilty of that :( ). Once they were out of their little prisons, it didn't take them long to go on their escapade of exploration - aren't they beautiful? U never stopped marveling at them. U love to hold them together, as if u're praying, whenever u're feeding at my breast (thanking God for Mummy's milk??). It's ok if u love to tug at my shirt, bra etc but please my darling, don't PINCH me... sob sob... It'll be great if u can spare whatever u can get hold of from that little mouth of yours. Having ur little digits n clothing soaking wet with ur drool is more than "appetising" to look at already.
Mummy know that u do not like to be on ur tummy n hasn't quite gotten to flipping over yet, but u'd been doing a good job turning, getting on ur back from ur sides since u were 2 mths. Must be due to ur round, fat limps (like rolling a ball haha). And those back muscles, aren't they strong, trying to do sit-ups in ur car seat, rocker etc. Opps! Be careful! And u fell flat on ur face while sitting on the bed. Who asked u to lean forward?!
Soon, u'll be as big as jiejie. How I'll miss ur baby antics then...
(Been trying to upload pics n videos but can't seem to do so... sigh)
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Labels: Child development, Family
很少提到我的长女--Fur Fur。
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Labels: Family
妈妈对你的爱,永远不会变 。
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Be it with the Princess or the Prince, I'd been "blessed" with people who'd come to me with their "kindly" advices - u shouldn't carry/ rock the baby to sleep, u shouldn't/ should use the sarong, sucking the hand is better/ pacifier is better, u should supplement with formula etc etc.
Many a times, these "words of wisdoms" turned out to be contradictory, as they were based on the individuals' experiences n beliefs. But they were all done with the same motive - trying to tell me that I had done the WRONG thing. And that if I had started off with their method(s), things would have been easier....
U can say that I am difficult to "educate" or I'm plain stubborn, but the fact is, if I listened to every one of the well-meant advices, wouldn't my kids be totally confused? In the end, being "right" in the eyes of some, simply meant that I'm still doing the "wrong" things and I'd end up with frustrated kids who needed to be re-programmed again n again.
Who wouldn't want to do things the easy way, let the babies sleep on their own, "teach" them to sleep throughout the night, ensure they r free from colic/ reflux or whatever that's causing them discomfort? Before u start "sharing" ur "expert" views, do bear in mind that all babies r born unique, into families of differing cultures, made up of parents n grandparents having their own sets of beliefs, tolerance level n working manner. It would be really kind to share some experiences with people u see facing the same child-rearing difficulties, for e.g. "My baby had the same prob. I tried XXXX n it worked. Perhaps u may want to give it a try." But if ur intention is otherwise....
Imagine when u're trying to sooth a cranky baby to sleep, rocking n carrying him in ur arms, walking around. For those who r blessed with sleep-on-their own babies, u probably won't understand how frustrating n tiring this can be. How would u feel if someone comes up and say, "U shouldn't be rocking him/ her. That's y he's/ she's so used to it now." In the first place, if the baby can go to sleep without fussing n wailing ON THEIR OWN, why would anyone want to make life difficult for themselves? Anyway, such an "advice" does not offer any solution, and only serves the purpose of trying to "CORRECT" someone. If that's all the kindness u can offer, PLEASE, LEAVE ME ALONE!
I'm blessed with 2 kids that give me joy, to be able to see them daily, sharing their smiles n love. Though they r definitely not the ez-to-take-care type, both needing extra extra extra efforts to get them to sleep (though the prince seems a little better), I do appreciate some empathy n people willing to share ways they'd tried n worked, however if the best u can offer is pointing out my "mistakes", it will be most sympathetic of u to just zip-up.
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Labels: "Mad" About Life
How much does a human life cost? Difficult to quantify right.. I would have to say, it all depends....
Let me quote an e.g., Baby LOVED - born with multiple disabilities to a set of parents Bob n Jane, already tied down by mounting housing loans, credit card bills n loans from meeting everyday basic needs. The medical bills to be incurred for treating Baby LOVED, or just to extend his life for maybe a couple of years, perhaps just months or days meant that the family would be thrown into a spiraling whirlpool of financial distress. But never for a second did Bob n Jane stop to contemplate the course of action they should take. For them, it's a simple decision - No matter what they have to give up, they were willing to go forward, even if it meant that Baby LOVED could have just 1 more day left, they would make it the happiest day for him, whatever the cost. Baby LOVED died soon after, because Bob n Jane couldn't afford to send him to a better medical facility.
Just 2 streets down the road, in a pristine district where every household was guarded by high walls n stringent security, Baby Posh, born to Charles n Chloe, was given the best the moment she entered this world - clothing from the likes of LV, Ralph Lauren etc., Nursery decorated n furnished with the softest of silk.... but Daddy n Mummy were hardly at home. Well, Baby Posh had an entire cohort of servants, nannies to serve her, so it didn't matter. Once, Baby Posh fell n to the horror of her care takers, it left a scar on her pretty chin. When Charles n Chloe were informed of the mishap, they swiftly dialled the number of their trusted Aesthetic Surgeon. Within a couple of weeks, Baby Posh couldn't be any prettier than before.
Why, Baby LOVED's life is worth so little, some may say. It's just his "luck" to be born to parents like Bob n Jane. While Baby Posh, the princess of Charles n Chloe, with just a tinkle n her skin is bright as porcelain again.
How can we compare the value of one whose life is worth ALL the love of his parents to one whose just worth whatever money could buy? I know many beg to differ...
Ultimately, how much is my life worth?? For some, perhaps as much as the air we breathe (I certainly hope so) or for others, less than the few shillings in their pockets lying in a stash of notes???
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I really don't understand, is it so difficult to respect other's privacy, leave them some breathing space?
Why? Why? Why? When I show u some degree of friendliness, u have to test that limit, comes over everyday, always around dinner and to top it off - WITHOUT INFORMING ME!
Can't u learn to respect other's time? I may not be free, I may have to feed my baby, I may want to go out?
Can't u respect other's space? I may not wish to entertain guests, I may want to do my own things, I may simply want some quiet time.
It's really dejavu, cos I had seen these images clearly in my mind before, and it's happening real time now. And I'm absolutely pissed cos it has been proven again that he will always be someone else's son.....
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As usual, I woke up and gave the Nursery a call to check when is Baby's next feed at ard 6.30am. Was told that he just had his milk, and that I'd just need to go at about 10am. That's kinda a long stretch from his current feed so I thought I'd just go earlier. After checking with the nurse, I was told that I'd probably only know if he can be discharged at 10+am after the doc checks him. So I have to lug his EBM supply with me. Since he may be going home later on, I decided to pack his clothing, mittens and wrap.
Left the house with all the barang barang at 8.35am and reached KKH at 9.10am. Decided to get a magazine first least I may need to wait for Baby to be certified for discharge later. By the time I reached the Nursery, I was told that the doc will be giving him his check and that I can feed him after.
Yeah! He can come home today. So I got about to feeding him, before changing him. The nurse briefed me about feeding him more frequently today so he excretes more, as I'll need to bring him down to the polyclinic again tmr for SB check. Also got a surprise - his umbilical cord had fallen off.
So I got about packing the EBM (which was left in the Nursery's fridge just after I arrived), Pampers, wet n dry tissues, then lugged 2 big bags on each shoulder, scooped my darling and headed for our drive home. Not bad huh, doing everything alone. Haha... the senior nurse commented I was an efficient mum. Great to hear that hehe....
Ahhh... Home Sweet Home....
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Labels: Child development, Health
Called the Nursery this morning ard 6.30am to enquire when is Baby's next feeding. They told me he was just fed at 6am so the next feed will be ard 9am. Thus, I canceled my postnatal massage appointment, and started getting ready to visit him at 7.45am. Of cos I brought with him my 3 bottles of frozen EBM, packed in a tuppleware of ice and drove myself there.
It was close to 9am when I arrived as there was heavy morning traffic. However, the nurse told me that he was sleeping. I told her it's his feeding time and I was informed to come down at this timing. Thus, they allowed me in and when I got to see him, what greeted me was a little naked Batman (dressed only in his diapers and sleeping on his tummy as if he was kneeling). Ya, he had this white mask ard his eyes... Poor thing.
He refused to wake up no matter how I nudged him but finally decided to suckle and feed with his eyes closed. After feeding for about 15min on one side, he refused to open his mouth when I tried to get him to latch on the other side. No matter how i teased his mouth, he just won't open it. One stubborn fellow. So I had to give up after trying for about 5min and passed him back to the nurse, as I was told that it's better not to carry him away from the light for too long.
Apparently, he was put on 2 lights instead of 1, which was discussed previously and they just switched to 1 light this morning around 8am. This meant that he had to be monitored for another 24hrs before we know if he'll be released. His jaundice level did drop to abt 260, which is still not good enough.
Sigh, guess I'll drop by the hospital again this evening with Daddy to top up his EBM supply and give him one night feed. Hope to see a less "yellowish" n more alert boy....
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Labels: Child development, Health
Decided to record down some numbers, just so that if there's a "next time", at least I have something to refer back to sooth my worries:-
Baby's First Poo - early morning the next day in hospital. Was informed by the nurse when she passed him to me for first feed in the morning. Then he stopped totally and I had to check with the nurses from KKH's Call-a-Nurse helpline when he was 3 Days old. Was told to monitor one more day, and if he still hasn't poo by end of next day, then we'll have to bring him to the doc. God bless he pooed a little nearing end of his 4th day. From then on, there's no stopping him.
Photo-therapy - admitted after 2nd SB check-up at polyclinic (6th day after birth. SB level had jumped from 147 to 297). Told by doc his weight is fine so he'd only go on one light, which translated to an earlier release. However, he'd need to be under the light for min 24 hrs. So earliest possible timing for discharge will be 5pm this evening. Crossing my fingers.
Mummy's First "Cake Baking" Session - Tried once in hospital, just couldn't make it. All I felt was more pain from the pushing and was advised by the nurse not to do it, so that I don't hurt my wound. Was informed by Doc that patients will usually only start again after discharge from hospital. Guess wat? Even with the liquid paraffin, it just wouldn't work. Finally, my poor contipated xxx got it's relief after 5 whole days! Trust me, the whole area felt so much relaxed n the pain more bearable after the episode.
Itching - Was down with the ITCH for both times. Though the symptoms were different. First time was hives, now rashes. Looks like heat rash to me, but the affected area is huge, spunning almost the entire body. Cause(s) unknown as of now.
Perineal pain - started getting excruciating after effects of epidural wore off. Taking 2 types of pain killer (paracetamol n Mefenamic acid only helped that much). Gotten much better only after the first major loo visit.
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Just when I need more energy and strength, why do I have to break out in rashes???
The intolerable itching is really killing me, especially when nothing I tried works - showering, creams, antihistamine, heat rash powder... what else???!!!! How did the rash come about? The last time I had hives during confinement, and now..... am I fated to itch after birthing??
Ahhhh! And I have to take my milk down to KKH for Baby and breastfeed him. The GP won't be open till 8.30am. Don't care lah, guess I'll go down to the hospital first to feed him before proceeding to clinic. Just gotta bear with it.
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Labels: Health
The same thing happened to En 4 years ago.
Baby Ying Kang was diagnosed with SB reading of 147 the day after his discharge from hospital. We went for a review today at CCK polyclinic and the numbers shot to 297.
Frankly speaking, I had expected something like this to happen, cos this was exactly the same case for En. He looked really yellow since a few days ago and I had more or less predicted that he might be admitted to KKH for photo-therapy during today's visit. True enough, this was the case.
Even though this has been something which I had anticipated, it pains me to have to send him to hospital and leave him there alone. Everytime I see them pricking his little foot and squeezing blood from him, it just felt so bad. And if it's going to be anything like En's experience, he will have to go through this painful process for the next 1 mth plus....
The only thing that I can do for him now is to express as much milk as I can for him, so that he still gets Mummy's love when I can't be around. I will bring them to him tomorrow morning and pray that he can be discharged by evening.
Mummy loves you.
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Labels: Child development, Health
What will I do without u, my Pillar of Strength??
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Labels: Relationship
2009年6月2日 - 日盼夜盼,我的小颖康终于决定来报到。
1am: 起床,再无法入眠。
2.30 - 4.30am: 数数数,大概每5分钟就一次阵痛。是时候叫爸爸起床了。
5.30am:到医院报到。这次较麻烦,要在一楼登记,再到二楼的Delivery Suite。回答了一些诸如几时开始阵痛,多频繁等等等问题,终于到产房报到。接下来就是换衣,让护士检查,继上monitor,等待Dr JT的到来......
医生穿着T-shirt来报到,接下来就是刺破羊水袋,吊点滴(包括催生剂Oxytoxin)。Dr JT说如果要注射epidural,最好是8时过后,用一剂就好了;p。心想,没问题啦,结果7.30am左右,阵痛越来越剧烈,终于忍到八点,注射了epidural。
之后,JT 又来检查了一次,大概只dilate了3cm。他说前5cm较慢。果然,11+时许,几分钟内便从5cm扩张到10cm。接下来,就是push,push,push,等医生来接生。终于,护士叫我别在push了。12时后,JT来了,再推几下,Baby终于出来了!这次我真的看到他出来的过程!12.15pm - 你终于来了。
What a feisty fellow! 一出来就发出响亮的啼哭声,一直到做了所有的清理工作,量体重、体积等等,Baby到了我怀了,开始喝nene,才安静下来。
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Labels: Child development, Pregnancy
This is the last time I will see my Baby in 2D B/W.
Had felt my baby really low yesterday afternoon, just above my vaginal... then I felt like peeing every 10 mins or so.... By the time I left home to fetch K for my Gynae check up, the cramps on my lower abdomen became really frequent and it lasted hrs even after the check-up. I had a feeling it couldn't be too far...
True enough, Doc JT "certified" me as 1.5cm dilated. Baby is going to come anytime during the next few days. So he gave me 2 options:-
1. Let nature takes it course - set appointment for next Mon and get ready to go hospital anytime
2. Fix appointment to go hospital on Fri
I'd been experiencing loads of discomfort for the past days n practically having 3 hrs or less sleep each night, so I told him ASAP.
Guess what he said??? Then come in hospital on Wed 7.30am and we'll induce u (so there was a 3rd option).
Ok lor, Baby will come out latest tomorrow......
As I'm typing away, I can already feel the contractions coming n going between 5-10 min interval (not the lower abdomen cramping)... it could be today... and I certainly hope so.. Had been up since 1am... It's a good timing he's coming when En just started School Holidays, so that I can fetch her to school in 1 mth's time... though En will probably have to miss her "promotion" to Pre-Primary Ballet class this afternoon... will wait it out at home today... Guess both my darlings will be out in 38.5 weeks....
Bless us :)
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Labels: Pregnancy
As I was sourcing for Buffet Catering for Baby's First Month Celebration (kiasu haha), I decided to visit Rasel's website, where we catered for our ROM Poolside Reception 5 years ago. We had a good experience with them as they had a very flexible, international menu then, whereby we can select a very individualised menu based on per item per head count basis. The best part was that the pricing was really attractive and they were able to provide a Thematic setup for us.
However, they no longer provide such a flexible menu anymore, though the selection is still generally attractive. As I was screening through the various tabs, I came across their Wedding Galleries. When I clicked on the "By The Pool" tab, it all looked so familiar... Hey! Isn't that my wedding setup from 5 years ago??! And I didn't even know they took pics n posted on their website. Anyway, thanks to them, I have some nicely taken pics to remember the special event by (my one n only wedding function).
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As I'm typing away now, I'm wondering if my Baby is going to come out real soon. Had been having the runs since this morning. 4 Times already.... Moreover, last night, I could only sleep ard 2am. Prior to that, I was getting out of bed like every 15 mins to empty my bowels. Was also experiencing more n more pressure beneath, especially when I'm lying down and shifting my body position. Was particularly bad last night.
Could this be it?? Well, I really can't be sure, cos the last time, it was due to leakage of amniotic fluid so I didn't quite get to monitoring my contractions after induction of labour. Though it quite felt like feelings of wanting to pass motion too...
It's 37 weeks n 2 days now.. Baby is safe to come if he wants to. Just hope I don't end up delivering in the house/ car ;p.....
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Labels: Pregnancy
We missed a ballet lesson last week cos En wasn't feeling well (high fever of 39.8C, vomitting etc) since Sun night and I decided to self-quarantine her for entire week to let her fully recover from her long standing flu (how long u may ask.... close to 6 mths since we returned from States... on/off, on/off.. ahhh).
After reaching the mall, En requested to change in the toilet instead of the studio, so we did just that. Then, we proceeded to class. As we entered the school, the admin lady was busy making phonecall. She asked," Teacher Melissa just got into an accident, I called u to inform u about it." "I didn't receive any calls," I replied. "But somebody did answered n said the maid has already left with her gal for lesson." "Then it couldn't have been me cos I do not have a maid." Think she marked the wrong name on her list. Anyway, what's important was that the teacher wasn't hurt. Couldn't blame her as she received the info abt 10 mins ago, for which I had already reached the mall anyway.
Then, she proceeded to inform me that En's teacher actually recommended that she be promoted to Pre-primary class (for >5yrs) as she was very attentive in class n could follow the instructions well. I asked how many in her class was promoted and she replied 2. Well done, Gal (though she's probably at an advantage cos she had done ballet for abt 1.5 years as compared to the rest)! But that would mean that she'll have to adjust to a new teacher n classmates, and she may not like it, as she chose to attend this class after attending lesson by her current teacher. We shall see. Anyway, currently there's no classes with suitable slots for Pre-primary, so I'll continue to keep her in Creative till new classes commence.
Btt, the admin lady was really nice. Firstly, En's MC was for Mon (ballet is on Tues), but she happily accepted the MC. Then, when I checked with her regarding the topping up of fee (as Pre-primary cost $10 more/ term as it's 1 hr session, instead of 45min) as En just started her new term based on Creative's fee, she readily mentioned that we do not have to pay extra, as it's just abt $10 difference. Though the amount may be small, nonetheless it's really nice of them to be so flexible n accommodating (I had previously asked if I could defer her lessons when I go on confinement n the answer was "Yes").
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Labels: Child development, Enrichment
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It had been a challenging time since we came home, esp for this couple of weeks. I guess the reasons r plenty - K's unhappiness at work, re-adjusting to life beyond our own little family, more hectic lifestyle having to fetch En to-n-fro school everyday, increase in familial commitment etc, physical challenges (we have been falling sick one after the other, consecutively, ever since we return, non-stop, so much so the doc's office had become our regular haunt. We must have visited our GP for at least 7-8 times in total since Dec), discomforts from this pregnancy (made worse by my sickness), hormonal changes, the unbearable heat that's causing me rashes outbreak everywhere...... So much so that situation had gotten somewhat out-of-hand in the last weeks, that I'd wallowed in so much self-pity with feelings of being neglected, uncared for n unloved. It must have been a tough time for K too, for I believe he's also going through a very rough patch at work. Being the sole breadwinner, with another mouth to feed soon, the pressure must be intense. Perhaps that accounts partly for his insensitivity. I tried to understand but sometimes when little things add up, over a period of time, it's just too difficult.....
After that particularly scary incident ( I'm sorry I might have traumatised En), I really felt the need to just offload all that's been bugging me, how unbalanced n disrespected I felt at times. And I'm truly surprised n touched at the outcome of my no-holds-bar confession. Something I truly need in a time like this. I hope that things can really take a turn for the better, esp with Baby coming soon (n Yes, he's still superbly active, esp as my cough is disturbing him. I guess he must be very anxious to come out).
Frankly speaking, I do foresee myself going a little crazy after birth (as with En). My dear Boy, hope that u can be my pillar of strength n give me a little extra love, patience n care. 我比上次老了,体力没那么好,又有两个小瓜要照顾,所以真的需要更多的support.
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果然,接下来就是突如其来的咆哮声:“This is my car! U get out of my car!” 整辆车一时鸦雀无声。这是很不寻常的。果真,我伸手去抚摸她的小手,她转过头来,鼻头红红的,勉强挤了个笑容给我,两滴泪不由自主地滑落,她静静用手抹掉......我的心真得好痛,她只不过是四岁的孩子,怎得会和我一样暗自伤心?
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Labels: Child development, Relationship, 心语
几天后,某某突然说(他们家做事总爱last min通知)他老母跟他说今天要扫墓,而且可能要去好几个地点,他大舅可能会租巴士,全家一齐去环岛拜拜。他满心期待,说是好久没去了。我说如果需“跋山涉水”,那是不可能的,因为我即使是坐着或躺着,都经常会发生呼吸困难,更别说在大太阳底下“攀山越岭”的,搞不好岂不一尸二命。然而,他说我们可在巴士上等(呵呵)。最后,因为他外婆决定只到一处,便决定各自出发,到万里坟场。这情况岂不和我们当初去蔡厝港坟场的情况一样,得面对塞车、没停车位等问题?谁知当初的诸多不便,如今他却只字不提。这次可没父母为我设身处地的着想,ok lor,还是那句“见机行事”。
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Labels: Relationship, 心语
Strictly speaking, this is the 1st time that we actually have a mini party for En in her school for her birthday (last year in Challenger, all bday kids were only allowed a "Spotlight" session where we can share some pics n have a bday song. No cakes nor gift packs allowed). She was naturally very excited about it and would be checking with me when is the Day, prior to the celebration. Cos that's when she gets to have her self-chosen Chocolate Disney birthday cake and put on her Cinderella Princess costume. Had negotiated with her teacher that she gets to change into it on her bday, as we are not having a party at home so she won't get to wear it otherwise (BTW, the costume was specially ordered while we were in the States and it arrived the day before we were leaving for good. Had to rushed to Monarch Meadow's management office few mins before it closed for the day/ holiday as we were out and the package was left there. Phew! Luckily managed to retrieve it before our morning flight the next day).
Initially, I had an argument the day before with Daddy as he mentioned he wouldn't apply for half day leave. However, he called to ask me to lunch with him on the actual day. Turned out he had already requested for leave but he just wanted to spite me lor... So we set off to give darling a surprise in school, as the party was scheduled for the last 15-30min of school.
We collected the cake from Bengawan Solo United Square, then proceeded to her school. She was really happy when I got to her class and brought her to change into her pretty costume. Then we went downstairs to surprise her with Daddy.It was time for the celebration. So we went back to her class, while the teachers gathered her classmates and got ready to sing her birthday song. Seems we ordered too big a cake, as we were told by Yu laoshi that the kids usually eat little and we ended up with abt 1kg of cake left out of 2kg. True enough, they do not seem too keen to finish the cakes.
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Labels: Fun-time
This year is certainly a Baby Boom year, at least for friends and relatives ard me :)
Since I returned from the States, I had already known of 5 new babies, with 1 just delivered over the weekend (all boys haha). And there will be more to receive in 2009 (at least 3 more, including mine, of cos :)).
Frankly speaking, not all the pregnancies were/ are smooth-going. In fact, for one of my close frens, she had pregnancy complications for her past pregnancies. However, looking at the adversities that she faced, be it through her pregnancies, family challenges, relationship issues etc, I truly marvel at her tenacity in the face of problems. Seldom did I hear her complaining, whenever she talked abt the issues she faced, they were usually in a matter-of-fact manner. Rather than lamenting on how "unfortunate" she was, she took everything in her stride, focusing on finding solutions, instead of wallowing in self-pity. It's not for me to share her challenges here, but believe me, many would have given up/ broken down if put in her shoe ( I certainly won't fare as well). For someone with her strength, I certainly hope that she'll be blessed with an easy pregnancy this time round. If God had meant for the previous experiences to be a test, she has proven herself way beyond expectations.
Perhaps due to a difference in life experiences, family background or simply character build-up, there r also some who find it tough to face up to the changes brought about by the new life growing n blossoming in their body. It is understandable that every pregnancy is unique and so is the body of every mum-to-be. Sometimes, it is ez to fall prey to the depressing feelings n discomforts, esp with raging hormones working against us ;p, not withstanding the fact that it may be difficult to get the men ( which by no fault of theirs, that they haven't the opportunity to go through the exhilaration of carrying a new life in their body, to marvel at experiencing the tiny one boxing ard in their tummy) to empathies with what we're going through and the price we have to pay thereafter (the "disfigurement" of our body - flabby tummy/ bumps, drooping b**ps, cellulite, varicose veins, stretch marks etc. They would rather invest in a new set of rims for their tyres than pay for "re-constructive" work to be done on our "abused" wares which need some extreme makeover). However, as mothers (or future mums), we have a life we need to be responsible for, to care n protect, to give the best we can n nurture for, so that he/ she may grow to be a happy n healthy (be it physically or emotionally) individual. Shouldn't we strive to be a living example n try to lead happier lives ourselves?
For me, I'm far from a saint. I have my complaints abt the discomforts of pregnancy, abt wanting more attention from my hubby. Plague by insomnia, back ache, PGP, with a bump n thighs growing way beyond proportion, breathlessness that comes even when I'm sitting, lying down or standing still that causes bolts of faintness n panic attacks and recently Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which causes pain in my right hand, I can be assured of more to come in the following mths. However, I must say, in general, I do enjoy being pregnant! This is a privilege for women. The thought of having a new life in me, someone I can call MY baby, this is enough to carry me through.
I know that when Baby 2 comes along, there will be a period where I may be going through some depressing moments, when I will feel like I'm going crazy, when I will be asking if I'd ever be able to bond with him, when even my mum will be doubting if I'll be able to handle life as a mum all over again..... however, I know one day, as I look back, I will relish at those moments just as I am doing now with my darling En. Being the Stubborn One, somehow, I will manage to raise n nurture my 2 babies, be it through more knocks on the wall, even lesser Me-time whatsoever. Simply because I am a MOTHER.
To: Fathers/ Fathers-to-be
Don't forget to show more support for your wives, pamper them a little if u can. It's never ez to go through the process of child-birth.
And if u're thinking of splurging on that new Tag Heuer, or that new car, or some spectacular sports rim, or a new golf set, or simply u have a little extra to spare, some sponsorships for "reconstructive" work on your IMPORTANT other half will be greatly appreciated, bearing in mind, u get to enjoy the results as well!!
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Labels: Pregnancy, Reflection
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Labels: 心语
了解到,孩子在成长的过程中,培养独立的思考是必然的过程。她也慢慢意识到,自己是独立个体,时不时展示那“我要自由”的触角。这一阶段,对没什么耐性的妈妈,的确很具考验。或许她个性有点像妈妈,蛮掘的,要她buy into my logic,需下功夫。但,有一段时期,情况还算ok。最近却有变本加厉的迹象,跟她讲道理,她未必听,还经常来一段“你不喜欢,我偏偏要做”。
从一开始,他们就不愿与我合作,不愿配合,老爱在孩子的管教、饮食等方面唱反调,这也加强了我一切都要亲力亲为的理念。即使做到死,也绝不开口要求他们的帮助。近几个月,可能他们多少也了解到that is not the clever path to take,至少在我面前也会唱一唱一些较悦耳、合拍的调子。正当我以为终于见到了转机时,冷不防原来已中了高手的冷箭!
1。装作若无其事,just let it be???
4。取消"visiting right"以示抗议?
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Labels: Child development, Relationship
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Labels: Child development, Discipline
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Labels: Relationship, 心语
This is the 2nd trial I brought En for since we came back.
The first was at Dancepointe Taman Jurong. They claimed to have good quality flooring from Harlequin (well, I'm not an expert in this field, so I assumed it must be quite impressive). However, I was very disappointed with the condition as there were bumps around and it looked pretty old. As students and parents etc started streaming in, it reminded me of the first few lessons En had at Bukit Batok CC when she just started ballet. Many kids were clinging to mummies n crying and the trial class was so huge that even 2 teachers couldn't manage the kids effectively. It was obvious En wasn't keen, as she wasn't paying attention least talk about following instructions. Though it was communicated that the actual class would be smaller, we decided to move on, as there wasn't any point if she's simply not interested.
Abt a mth down the road, finally decided to let her try out at Ballet & Music Co in United Square, as it's near her pre-school, so we can just go after class. Initially, En told me that she would not be interested and she wouldn't want to go new class and make new friends. I told her that she wouldn't know if she didn't try and we'd not put her in the class if she really didn't like it. This school is more similar to the one in US, where parents have to stay outside the studio. However, the studio in US has a long window panel for parents to view, while the current only has a small glass opening on the door. Decided to peek for a while to see how En was doing. She seemed to be enjoying herself and paying attention to the teacher, doing what was required. I guessed this should be the one. Better checked with her after lesson to confirm. The moment she met me after class, she said," Mummy, I like this class. I want to continue." Ah! Finally found the one she liked.
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Labels: Enrichment
Met the principal at the lift today, after dropping En off at the assembly hall. So we chatted for a while. She commented that En was doing well in class and a rather well-behaved child, who would voice her views and take the initiative to talk with her friends.
I must say her experience in the States had served her well. She was a reserved gal who wouldn't talk much to outsiders (though she was always talkative around mummy), even to her teachers at her 1st childcare. She was still the same when she first enrolled in Challenger. A few months later, there was once I brought her into class, and her teacher, Ms Jennifer told me," Don't worry, she'd start talking when Mummy leaves." On another instance, while Ms Jennifer brought her to my car, she told me that En said that Mummy would smack her backside if she's naughty. Haha!!! What a transformation! She also went telling her current Principal that we're "homeless" now, while the Principal was chatting with another student about him moving house. Though it's great she's no longer playing mute, she has become a blabber-mouth!!! No more secrets...
As I picked her up from school today, she showed me a lolly-pop. I asked if it was her classmate's birthday again (as they just had 2 bday celebrations last week, right after CNY break). She answered "No". One of her friends named Huili had 2 lollies, and she gave 1 to her. Now she has a special friend too. Not bad Gal!
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Labels: Child development
Today is K's birthday and baby's 18th week. I had planned for a night at Sentosa's Siloso Beach Resort's Roof Top Garden Jacuzzi Room. The initial plan was a getaway for just the 2 of us. However, with K starting work at his previous company (which demanded that they put in at least 120% of their stipulated working hrs, n 1 of their weekend/ week or 后果自负), and En in the afternoon session (which meant she had to drop her afternoon nap), thus having to sleep early, father and daughter hardly get to see each other. So, he requested to bring her along. Anyway, we didn't get to do much except for lazing in the room, making use of the roof-top jacuzzi and outdoor rain shower, venturing out for meals and just a short shopping trip at Vivocity.
I have been feeling really tired ever since I had Baby No.2. Though I'm into my 2nd trimester, the discomforts that I encountered during first trimester (tiredness, vomiting, insomnia etc) don't seem to be going off, while the symptoms for 3rd trimester like back ache etc are appearing earlier. In fact, this pregnancy is rather different from the first time where my morning sickness lasted only a while and my 2nd trimester was a breeze - no constipation, even my prob of gastric wind etc disappeared and I had a good appetite.
Baby No.2 is also much more active than En. I started feeling his movement while I was in my 16th week. At 18th week now, I can easily feel him moving, esp ard 10pm at night. The movement is usually quite obvious and it will come on and off for the next half hr or so, unlike En who usually just produced some light kicks here n there n would stop after that. Am I more sensitive or is he going to be one rambunctious rascal???
Anyway I'm wishing for a more comfortable pregnancy ahead and for K's company to show more 人性 (which is quite unlikely, with news of further pay cut etc... wonder if he should have just taken the severance and left initially. Well, I guess things will work out in the end. Just have to rough it out through this bad times).
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Labels: Child development, Family, Pregnancy
Finally, it's En's first day at her new Kindergarten. She's going to meet new teachers and friends at her new class - Nursery Love. Judging from her track record in the States, Day 1 should be a breeze.
Alas! Her eyes started welling with tears the moment she stepped into class. There was already quite a crowd there though we were 15min before time. She clung on to me and refused to let go. Nonetheless, I decided to leave the classroom after playing with her for a while and she started to settle in a little.
As I had to settle some admin stuff with the Principal, I was waiting outside the office as the Principal was busy helping out in the classes. About half an hr or so, I saw the Principal bringing a crying En to the office. Apparently, they were about to give me a call. So, I followed her to the classroom, while the Principal tried to introduce some new classmates to her. Most of the students were with the school the previous year. Luckily I wasn't the only mum there. I stayed in the classroom, encouraging En to play with other kids, while the teachers and Principal busied themselves with the other children who were crying.
After a while, I decided to leave the classroom. En cried again but the Principal was with her. Well, she has to get used to her new school somehow....
An hr before dismissal, I finally got sometime with the Principal. She mentioned En was doing fine. I managed to finalised the switching of class to afternoon and fixed the transportation arrangement with the school bus vendor.
"RRRRIIIIINNNGGGGGGGG", the parents started moving to the lobby and classrooms. En's class was one of the last to be dismissed. She wasn't crying when I picked her.
Let's hope today's episode was due to the crowd. Tmr will be better, same teachers but new friends again. It'll also be the first day that En will be travelling on a school bus. Guess I'll be stuck in school for another 3 hrs, at least to ensure she'll be picked up from school on her 1st bus trip.
P/s: One of En's classmates today was the daughter of an ex-actress, Magdalene Chu (朱乐玲). However, she'll be her ex-classmate tmr, when En moved to N-Grace in the afternoon.
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Labels: Child development