Carpe Diem - easier said than done for a self-professed procrastinator. But for the love of my life, I finally keyed my first sentence, then the second, and the third... as a recording of memories I'd want to remember, good or bad, a gift from Mommy to U - Dear Baby En

"From Baby En to Baby Kang, both my darlings, equally precious. May this journal keep u company, when Mummy can no longer be there......"

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Frustrations! HE and the forever-existing ILs

Recounting what happened on Sunday, I really felt that I owe my parents too much. Time and again, I refused mum's request to bring Baby En out with her, even when it was brought up days before the excursion, just so that HE doesn't feel upset.

However, despite much effort, all that I'd done are not being reciprocated. My DD always got 'kidnapped' without my agreement and many times, they were done at last minute notice. HE does not care about my feelings, nor appreciate my parents for their understandings. All that's important is his parents, family. If I want to visit my parents last minute, it's always 'Why...., Why...'. And I did it only after his thoughtless action. He still had the cheek to retort.

Come on, do not do unto others what u don't want others to do unto u.

In the end, for what I thought would be 'setting an example', my parents kept been put on the disadvantage and others got to gain, gain and gain..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

*hugs hugs hugs* Most man are like that...:(